Noel Gallagher is at it again, this time he’s moved on from Taylor Swift with his cross-hairs firmly trained on younger brother Liam during a recent interview with Vogue. Never one to shy away from controversy, he got straight to the point in clearing up the differences between the siblings, “The thing that differs between me and my fucking . . . uh, brother is that he was always obsessed with looking good, and I’m continually obsessed with being good.” Well, that sorts that out then.

Despite the ongoing rivalry between the brothers, Noel does appear somewhat nostalgic with regards to the success that Oasis achieved and the way in which the brothers are ”two sides of the same coin, really—it’s what made Oasis what it was: It was my industry and songs, and his chaos and pyrotechnics. And you couldn’t have one without the other: Liam without me clearly crashed and failed. Me without Liam is never going to sell out stadiums around the world, but I can live with that.”

Noel goes on to slate everything, from his brothers label ‘Pretty Green’—comparing the design process to the atom-smashing Hadron Collider, “I think he’s got one of those in his house which is just throwing desert boots at each other, in the hope that they will fuckin’ create some kind of fusion,” to bands like Maroon 5, whom he believes choose style over substance to gain unwarranted success from pretty average songwriting, “… those fuckwits from Maroon 5. The tattoos take your mind off the fact that they’re shit.”

With Noel and his High Flying Birds second album Chasing Yesterday released on Monday, we predict that there will be plenty more controversial comments fired from his camp in the coming days, with the aim of cooking up a sibling-fuelled media-storm. After all, he’s never going to sell out stadiums around the world without his brother now, is he?