Jagermeister Ice Cold Gig 1_preview

The thrill of stepping onstage in front of hundreds of adoring fans is enough for most bands. Not for Modestep.

Taking music to new heights (6,500 feet to be precise), the sixth annual Jägermeister Ice Cold Gig featured a space net, suspended from a freezing New Zealand peak, over an icy ravine. No stage dives here.

The London electro-rock/dubstep duo, formed of Josh Friend and Pat Lundy, have certainly laid claim to one of the more unusual dates in the music calendar. Zip-lining over a sheer drop just to reach the stage, this event can only be described as the world’s most epic gig.

“When Jägermeister approached us for the Ice Cold Gig, we knew it would be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We knew that our new single ‘Higher’, would be a perfect track for this daring, elevated gig.”

Sure, the crowd wasn’t the liveliest (at least mountaintops don’t heckle) but with picturesque views like that, how could calls of “Higher” not feel at home?