James Arthur today premiered his brand new video for the single ‘You’re Nobody Til Somebody Loves You’ on the world wide web. It is the follow up single to the number 1 hit ‘Impossible’ which he covered upon leaving the X Factor.

The video is set in a residential area where Arthur is performing on a stage in front of locals, with what seems to be a chilled street party vibe. Filmed at Wimbledon Studios, the video takes place at sunset cutting between scenes from different peoples lives in the community and the action out on the streets. As a track, it’s great. Having never been a massive James Arthur fan, this single hits the right combination of soul, pop and an rock ‘n’ roll back beat. It’s then all sprinkled with a bit of a brass that never goes a miss on tracks like this to create an overall pretty catchy track. It’s still got that gritty edge you expect from Arthur and the combination of that and a catchy soulful pop chorus is going to make this one a hit. One to watch.