
Blending transient melodies with bold, effervescent synths, Jane Machine has chanced upon a truly electric combination on fresh cut “True Blue”.

A moody confession of love and devotion, the band’s soundscape fires out militant beats intertwined with strong, captivating choruses to create a sonic offering worth paying attention to. The track’s surging electronic undercurrent is the real hook, dropping soaring verses that twist around highly produced yet enchanting vocals in what can only be describes as a thoroughly dreamy affair.

“The song just rather appeared — the lyrics, beat, and melody all kind of came at once. I’d been wanting to write a song about being ‘true blue’ for a while, so the intention behind the words made them rapid to surface.” – Jane Machine

An understated love song camouflaged by quirky instrumentals, “True Blue” is a track flooded with the desire to be a good partner. Be sure to check it out below and as always, let us know your thoughts!