Old S Resort

It’s time to inject your week with some Scandi charm, courtesy of Norwegian newcomer  Old S Resort.

Unleashing new single “Now It’s Over” upon our unsuspecting ears, surging electronic undercurrents are the order of the day. Crafting a sound that harbours a thoroughly DIY edge (in the most delightful way), this raw, synth heavy track has a hint of Dan Croll.

I tried to balance these inspirations with more contemporary pop sensibilities,” notes Simen Søgnen, the man behind Old S Resort. “Making music that has a laid back feel, but at the same time is rhythmically engaging, is something I strive for in most of my songs.”

Raised on a formula of David Bowie, Joni Mitchell, Kate Bush and Bob Dylan, it’s safe to say the 60s and 70s play a vital role in Old S Resort’s soundscapes.

Catch the cut below and as always, let us know your thoughts.