WTF Videos Of The Week

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s that time once again! Introducing, the latest instalment of our WTF Videos Of The Week segment. It’s been an interesting one, that’s for sure, but between the country, electro and off-the-wall hybrid combinations, we’ve got a couple of obscure offerings to serve up this week.

Monkey Warhol| Don’t Tickle the Pickle

If you’re after something that sounds as though it was invented by 3OH!3 pre-“Don’t Trust Me” then “Don’t Tickle the Pickle” is the gherkin for you. It’s got a fabulous video to boot, created in what looks like everyones favourite windows application, paint. Douse yourself in vinegar and party with a pickle below:


Vistalite| Don’t Listen to Yourself

Now, we can’t quite figure out why this video hasn’t gone viral yet but maybe this shout out could give it the helping hand it deserves? We’re guessing the child hasn’t been kidnapped purely for the purposes of a great music video. Featuring the most content baby known to man, Vistalite’s “Don’t Listen to Yourself” blends a kinda infectious pop track with a supremely entertaining one-take video. Here’s a tip, just keep your eyes focused on that baby. It just begs the question, why don’t more musicians use rogue children as props?


Mike Birch| Chasing The Sunlight

If you have a love affair with birds and you want to soar like the majestic creature that you really are, it’s time to click play on this bird compilation submitted by Mike Birch. That’s all we’ll say. Unleash your inner eagle and let your soul soar. We’ll shut up now.