chay snowdon

It’s time for an indie-driven anthem – and you’ve got none other than Chay Snowdon to thank for crashing the party.

Unleashing fresh cut “Zenobia”, Snowdon brings forth a smile inducing offering, laden with riffs so heavy, we might need reinforcements. Accompanied by bandmates Liam Roberts, George Roach and Ed Fox, the Bristol-based singer is honing his sound, blending ear pleasing indie-pop melodies with indulgent flecks of rock ‘n’ roll.

“‘Zenobia’ was a 3rd century Syrian Empress,” notes Snowdon “the song uses all of her trials and tribulations as a metaphor, comparing it to a fictional modern-day relationship.”

The track’s accompanying visuals are a feast for the eyes. Taking in the picturesque delights of the UK coastline, it’s safe to say Visit Britain might want to nab some of this footage for their next promo campaign.

Discover the official video below and rate it for yourself!