Josh Wheatley

Nottingham-based Josh Wheatley is churning out low-key pop vibes like they’re going out of fashion.

Twinning reverb laced guitars with honed lyricism, fresh track “Chemicals” is set to create one hell of a reaction (like what we did there?). And at the tender age of 21, he’s an artist producing thoughtful and well constructed melodies beyond his years.

Dropping out of University and abandoning a career in law to pursue his dream of a songwriting career, it’s clear Wheatley has a natural ear for melody. Bringing forth a sound reminiscent of a Savage Garden / Kodaline hybrid, his latest cut harbours dark undertones –  the point at which his Death Cab For Cutie and Rhodes influences become all too clear. 

Chemicals, to me, is about the base instincts of attraction,” notes Josh. “The ideas of the brain emitting neurotransmitters which change mood so heavily. Thin the blood, expand the pupils and change the body so drastically. The thing I like most about the track is that the production is so juxtaposed to the lyrics. The sterile outlook on love silhouetted against brash, big guitars and lush synths.

Check out the track below and let us know your thoughts!