Phoebe Green Watercolour Envy

Straight to your headphones via Manchester, 19 year old Phoebe Green is churning out soulful alt-pop filled with promise.

Her latest release, “Watercolour Envy“, comes complete with surging verses that churn sinister undertones with oozing flecks of deception. It’s a track that builds beautifully, culminating in an explosive bridge that leaves you demanding more.

Releasing her debut EP, 02:00AM, towards the tale end of last year, Green’s songwriting style artfully drops hints like puzzle pieces, allowing listeners to rearrange them to decipher the messages behind the tracks.

Check ‘Watercolour Envy” out below and give her a cheeky follow on Facebook. Actually, why not give us a like while you’re at it? Yeah, do that too.