Slutface - Kill 'Em With Kindness

Slutface - Kill 'Em With Kindness

Filling our speakers with carefree summer euphoria, Slutface have more to offer than just a name that cries out for attention.

Having burst onto the scene with enough energy to power London multiple times over, at times it feels like ADHD has got the better of these jovial mischief-makers.

Hot off the back of their FuFanu support slots – having recently taken in London’s Sebright Arms – “Kill ‘Em With Kindness” is a defiant symbol of guitar-laden, punk-flecked pop. A smattering of feisty lyrics fight against smashing high-hats to create a boisterous sound, radiantly reminiscent of The Cranberries, Yeah Yeah Yeah‘s with a distinct streak of The Mister-Wives.

It’s an altogether entertaining ride through 3 minutes and 22 seconds worth of indie-ness. A journey that you certainly shouldn’t miss out on.